Annual Report for 2023

Dear Members, Donors, and Supporters of the Association “Penda,”

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your continued support, which enables us to advance our noble mission for a better community. Through your generosity, we raised approximately €14,705 in 2023, allowing us to provide annual scholarships to 20 exceptional students.

Compared to 2022, a year in which we set records for the number of scholarships (23), unique donors (57), and total donations collected (€17,600), we experienced a decrease in these categories in 2023. This has resulted in awarding three fewer scholarships than in the previous year. Nevertheless, we are strongly convinced in the mission of Penda, and will continue to award scholarships for the 8th year ahead.

Looking forward, it is a good opportunity to mention that our current budget enables us to award 18 scholarships for the 2024/2025 academic year. Our goal is to avoid a situation where, for two consecutive years, we see a decline in the number of scholarships awarded. We aspire to consistently support at least 20 students. Therefore, if you believe in Penda’s mission, now is an excellent time to donate (

In the spirit of transparency and mutual trust, we have attached a presentation that outlines our activities and achievements in 2023, along with a financial overview of the Penda’s budget.

Thank you for the invaluable opportunities you create for our scholarship recipients!

Association for Education “Penda”

Financial report: Thank You Slides_2023_EN